Ask the Pharmacist

What omega-3 supplement for allergic asthma?

Dear Cristina,

Several scientific data in recent years have proposed the protective role against bronchial asthma of omega-3 fatty acids, contained in fish oil. In particular, fish oil supplements, rich in omega-3, could counteract the inflammatory processes underlying asthma, a condition that can be triggered by several factors including exercise.

Considering that your son plays sports, I recommend Omegor Twinefa, a supplement that in addition to a high concentration of EPA and DHA from fish oil contains GLA extracted from borage oil, a fatty acid with strong anti-inflammatory action. I recommend 3 capsules a day, taken with a main meal, even all at once. At times of more intense training, you could also combine Omegor Twinefa with the following. Omegor Krill, a supplement that contains only oil extracted from krill, a tiny crustacean that inhabits Antarctic waters.

Krill oil is rich in the omega-3s EPA and DHA in the form of phospholipids, a structure that makes them easily assimilated and usable by the body. Omegor Krill also contains a powerful antioxidant, astaxanthin, and choline, a component of cell membranes also implicated in the process of nerve impulse transmission . I recommend that you take 2 capsules per day of Omegor Krill in the first part of the day. 

Best regards Silvia Lisciani Ph.D. Nutritionist biologist