Omega-3s for the heart: a hug for your cardiovascular system

30%. This is the percentage of cardiovascular dysfunction that could be avoided by following, simply, a proper dietary regimen.

It's not just us saying this, it's the World Health Organization. 

When we talk about cardiovascular disease, one of the most frequent causes of death, we must not forget that nutrition plays a key role in prevention.


Early studies: the diet of Eskimos

We have been certain of this since at least the 1970s, when the first studies appeared on the eating habits and health conditions of Inuit Eskimos living among the Greenland ice. What was observed? That despite a diet rich in fat, the incidence of diseases of the heart was among the lowest in the world. The strength of the Eskimo diet consisted precisely in the high Omega-3 intake in which fatty fish living in the icy waters that bathe Greenland are rich.


Omega-3 a sea of benefits

From the 1970s to the present, studies confirming the benefits of Omega-3s are numerous. And many of the data collected relate specifically to The role of fatty acids in counteracting cardiovascular risk factors, such as elevated triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, and arrhythmias. The evidence leaves no room for doubt: studies in patients with cardiovascular diseases (such as arrhythmias and myocardial infarction) have shown that Omega-3 fatty acid intake reduces mortality by 20 to 45 percent. It really is amazing! It's within everyone's reach, and it doesn't require too much effort: to protect your heart you need to make sure your diet has the correct balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6. And where diet doesn't come in, come natural Omega-3 fatty acid supplements that, when combined with appropriate drug treatments and a healthy lifestyle, can really make a difference to your heart. In this, Omega-3s are truly unbeatable: are the approach to cardiovascular disease prevention with which the best results are achieved.

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