Omega 3: domande frequenti


Cultivate your curiosity. Feed your well-being. 

Imagine being able to improve your heart health, boost brain function, and strengthen your immune system with a simple supplement. That is exactly what Omega-3 can do for you. We know you may have questions about these valuable wellness allies: here we have collected the ones we are most frequently asked with answers so that we can begin to explore the topic of Omega-3 together.  


1. At what age can we start taking OMEGOR Omega-3 supplements?

Imagine Omega-3s as superheroes ready to spring into action all the time. At every stage of life. For every need.  
In fact, there are no limits to starting or stopping supplementation with OMEGOR. The important thing is to measure doses according to your specific needs. 
Our capsules are designed for adults weighing about 70 kg, but can be adjusted according to weight, needs, and health status. Your uniqueness deserves always a personalized approach. 


2. How can the effects produced by OMEGOR Omega-3s be measured?

OMEGOR Omega-3s are a real, premium-quality support for your well-being-they can really make a difference. Here's how to observe their positive impact:

  • Monitor improvement in "cardiac coherence"-a fascinating term for the well-being of your heart. 
  • Do a lipid check-up: after 2-3 months of intake, you may notice surprising changes in the ratio of triglycerides (TG) to "good" cholesterol (HDL). In some studies it has been observed that a TG/HDL ratio of less than 2 indicates a lower risk of heart disease.
  • Try the AA/EPA test, an innovative test that measures the ratio of two key fatty acids: arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (we recommend you do this 2-3 months after starting treatment).
  • Consider the Omega-3 Index: it is the percentage of total fatty acids in red blood cell membranes in the blood. Uvaluable indicator of cardiovascular health.

Always consult your doctor to best interpret the results and customize your natural supplementation. 

3. Can OMEGOR Vitality be combined with statin treatment?

Think of OMEGOR Vitality and statins as two allies in the battle for your heart health. They are a double line of defense. 

While statins help lower cholesterol, Omega-3s protect you from ventricular arrhythmias (responsible for 70 percent of cardiac-related deaths) and from the risk of sudden cardiac death. Together, they form a powerful team against cardiovascular risks.

4. Is it possible to take aspirin if you are using OMEGOR Vitality?

The relationship between OMEGOR Vitality and aspirin is a complex and delicate one, as both affect blood clotting, albeit in different ways. Their joint action varies with each case and dosage.
In patients taking omega-3 supplements, aspirin treatment may reduce some of the beneficial effects, but it is also true that picce small doses of aspirin (such as, for example, 80 mg/day aspirin) can even enhance the benefits of Omega-3s, creating anti-inflammatory super-molecules.
We therefore advise you to seek specific advice from your physician before starting a therapy of substantial doses of aspirin combined with high doses of Omega-3 fatty acids..

5. Can Omega-3s be useful for multiple sclerosis?

Balance. That's what Omega-3s can bring to an overactive immune system, such as that of people with multiple sclerosis or other autoimmune diseases.
In fact, studies have shown improvements in patients taking Omega-3s: some have been able to reduce, after a few months of taking them, the use of anti-inflammatory or immunosuppressive drugs. And this is a very good result.
Always remember that taking supplements should be followed and monitored by your primary care physician.

6. Do omega-3s play a preventive role?

Omega-3s are tireless guardians of cardiovascular health. And they operate on two fronts: primary prevention (before any problems occur) and secondary prevention (after an initial cardiac "alert").
The research of the Italian Group for the Study of Survival in Myocardial Infarction (GISSI) have shown that Omega-3s reduce the risk of cardiovascular mortality, including sudden. And, in people without previous heart problems, they work silently to keep the heart healthy.
Think, in short, of Omega-3s as a long-term investment in your heart health.

7. Each capsule of OMEGOR Vitality already contains vitamin E. Is there a risk of overdose if vitamin E dietary supplements are taken separately?

The vitamin E contained in OMEGOR Vitality is only meant to protect the integrity of the product during the storage period. So you don't have to worry: it is present in very small amounts-we are talking about only 2-3 mg per 1000 mg of oil. We are far from doses that could cause an overdose.

On the contrary: pairing OMEGOR Vitality with a vitamin E supplement can be a winning move to create a valuable supply of antioxidants and maximize your well-being.  

8. How long is it necessary to take OMEGOR Vitality? Is it necessary to take it for life?

It is not necessary to take it for life, but when you notice the benefits you will find it hard to do without!  

There are no time limits since it is not a medicine, but a natural supplement usually free of side effects. The first 3 months of treatment are crucial: this is the period when neuronal membranes are renewed by Omega-3. The effect of the supplement is therefore almost immediate and lasts as long as you take it. After this initial period, assess how you feel: do you notice improvements?

Consider that, as the years go by, the food intake may decrease and needs increase, your body may then require extra support. Listen to it and adjust your supplementation accordingly, in accordance with what your doctor recommends.

9. For a person who already has a diet rich in Omega-3 and feels physically and mentally fit, is it still necessary to take Omega-3 dietary supplements?

If you feel fit and your diet is already rich in Omega-3s, congratulations-it means you are taking care of yourself the right way. 

If your daily diet is already rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids (fish, shellfish, flaxseed, flaxseed or canola oil) and you feel well, you may not need to take supplements.

Studies show that a balanced, Mediterranean-style diet has an important preventive effect on the development of cardiovascular diseases (such as coronary artery disease, elevated blood triglycerides, and heart rhythm disorders). And not only that: such a diet appears to have preventive effects against depressive phenomena as well.

Our advice? Keep it up, you're doing a great job! 

10. Is taking OMEGOR omega-3 fattening?

OMEGOR Omega-3s are not enemies of your figure. On the contrary, they can become small allies in maintaining a healthy weight. Why? 

  • Minimal calories: each 1-gram capsule contains a little more than 10 calories. Three 1-gram capsules contain 32, the equivalent of half an apple.
  • "Fat-burning" effect: some studies in rats suggest that Omega-3s may even reduce the formation and size of fat cells (the adipocytes).
  • Smart utilization: your body uses Omega-3s as constituents of cell membranes, not to store energy.

So, no: OMEGOR Vitality does not make you fat but, on the contrary, helps you stay fit.   

11. What may be the side effects of Omega-3?

Omega-3s are usually well tolerated by our bodies: they are a natural supplement that nourishes you with well-being. In some cases, some moderate side effects associated with intake may be observed, such as: 

  • Slight fishy aftertaste. You can easily avoid this by taking the supplement before meals or by splitting the doses. For example, if you were taking 3 capsules a day you could take one before each main meal.
  • Faster bowel transit: your body may need some time to get used to the supplement. And, in the first few days, you may notice Soft stools or diarrheal episodes. If this happens, reduce the dose for a week or two and then gradually work your way up to the recommended dose.
  • Ease of bruising: Omega-3s are natural blood thinners. This is generally a beneficial effect (as it results in reduced risk of heart attack or cerebrovascular complications), but if you are a person predisposed to ecchymosis or if you use anticoagulant drugs, seek advice from your doctor before taking them.

12. What are the effects of OMEGOR Omega-3 on cholesterol, triglycerides and other lipid parameters?

First of all, we tell you how are the effects: amazing. OMEGOR Omega-3s have a powerful action on lipid metabolism: they are like scavengers cleaning your arteries. Consider that with 1 gram per day of EPA/DHA (two valuable acids in the supplement) you could observe a 20% reduction in triglycerides. With a dosage of 4 grams, you could achieve a 25-30% drop.
But the action of Omega-3s does not end there, as they also work on other lipid parameters: they increase HDL, the "good" cholesterol, and slightly reduce "bad" cholesterol (VLDL + LDL).
Please remember that every body is unique and special: consult your doctor for a personalized approach and to monitor your progress.

13. Can Omega-3s be taken during pregnancy?

Omega-3s are a precious gift for you and your child. They are at every stage of life. Here's how they can support you during this very special stage: 

  • Child development: omega-3s are a super boost for fetal nervous system development.  
  • Childbirth at term: a Danish study suggests that a diet rich in Omega-3s may reduce the risk of preterm birth and promote a healthier birth weight. 
  • Your well-being: omega-3s may help prevent postpartum depression.  

The European Consensus Conference on Recommendations for Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids for Pregnant and Lactating Women (PERILIP), held in September 2005, confirms that adequate intake of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during pregnancy is not only recommended but necessary. In fact, experts in nutrition, placental development and function, obstetrics and neonatology, led by Dr. Berthold Koletzko and Dr. Irene Cetin recommend a minimum daily intake of 200 mg of DHA for pregnant or breastfeeding women.

PERILIP has demonstrated through clinical studies that up to 1 g DHA or 2.7 g long-chain Omega-3 is safe during pregnancy and free of relevant side effects. 

Remember, at this special time, we are there to support you with the premium quality of our nutritional supplements. 

14. Can OMEGOR Vitality be taken in case of hypotension or in conjunction with antihypertensive treatment?

There is a relationship between OMEGOR Vitality and blood pressure. And this needs to be studied on a case-by-case basis, as it changes depending on the dosage of the supplement and how your body responds. Each body is a world of its own. 

Effects on blood pressure can be observed only when taking very high doses of OMEGOR Vitality (we are talking about more than 3 grams per day of EPA+DHA), while the effects are really minimal when we are dealing with a moderate dosage. In some cases, adding Omega-3 to an antihypertensive treatment can even provide extra benefits.  

We recommend that if you are taking antihypertensive medications, you consult your doctor before combining them with OMEGOR Vitality and keep your blood pressure monitored at the time you start taking the supplement. A regular check-up is always a good thing. 

15. Can OMEGOR Vitality be taken if one is already having homeopathic or St. John's Wort treatment?

No contraindications: you can safely combine OMEGOR Vitality supplement with homeopathic or St. John's Wort treatments.  

What you can get out of it is, indeed, a benefit: these will work in synergy to give you extra support for your well-being. 

16. Can OMEGOR Vitality be given to children?

The world of Omega-3s for children is a fascinating chapter that we have yet to finish writing: to date, there are few studies conducted on toddlers. Several benefits derived from Omega-3 intake, however, are known and proven:

  • During the last 3 months of gestation and the first 3 months of life, infants need a good supply of Omega-3 for the establishment of neuronal membranes.
  • Several studies suggest that a diet rich in Omega-3 in the last trimester of pregnancy may reduce premature births and promote healthier birth weights. 
  • British research has shown that children with Omega-3 deficiency may have more difficulty in reading (Richardson et al., 2000).
  • Omega-3 supplementation in children with dyslexia showed improvements in concentration and a reduction in attention disorders (Richardson et al., 2001). It is not a miracle cure, but it can be a valuable support.

The answer to the question is, as you may have guessed, yes: you can give your child OMEGOR Vitality. It is the natural supplement you can trust. Seriously.  

Before taking it, however, we recommend that you consult your pediatrician. 

17. Can one become addicted to Omega-3s?

Don't worry: there is no such thing as addiction. Omega-3 dietary supplements are not drugs or even artificial molecules, but a portentous nutrient that renews your reserves of essential fatty acids in case of dietary deficiency and/or increased need.

If you decide to stop taking it, you will therefore not experience any negative effects or symptoms of addiction. The only thing that will happen is that your Omega-3 reserves will diminish over time-if your diet is not sufficiently rich in them.

18. Could excessive consumption of Omega-3s (i.e., a diet already rich in Omega-3s combined with appropriate dietary supplementation) be dangerous?

There is no such thing as "overdose" when we talk about wellness.  

Think of the Eskimos of northern Quebec: they consume up to 16 grams of fish oil a day-which is like taking a daily bath in Omega-3s-and despite this abundance, they have never experienced any adverse effects.  

Your body is greedy for these essential nutrients! 

However, if you are considering significantly increasing your Omega-3 consumption, we recommend that you first seek advice from your doctor.