The nervous system and Omega-3: a healthy brain

More than 60% of brain mass is composed of fatty acids. Did you know. This means that most of the Omega-3s in your body are stored in the brain. And there it plays a key role in promoting proper functioning of the nervous system.

Omega-3, cell membranes, and neurotransmitters

Imagine looking at the nerve tissue of the brain through the lens of a microscope: within it we see, concentrated in cell membranes, Omega-3s. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is the most abundant, but EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) is also present to a lesser extent.

DHA, in particular, is present:

  • in the retina, where it receives visual impulses and transmits them to the brain;
  • at synapses, the points on neurons where nerve impulse passage occurs;
  • in the mitochondria, the cellular elements that, even in neurons, ensure energy production.

Now let's shift the focus of our microscope to the synapses to observe the fatty acids at work: there, Omega-3s are involved in the production and release of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine, molecules essential for nerve impulse transmission.

To get an idea of how essential these neurotransmitters are consider that:

  • When serotonin levels are low, the likelihood of depressive states or violent behavior increases.
  • Dopamine deficiency increases the risk of developing Parkinson's disease or attention deficit disorder (a condition characterized by difficulty concentrating on immediate tasks).


Omega-3 and the brain: build your well-being drop by drop

How to nourish your nervous system with fatty acids? Research shows that generous doses of fish oil, which is rich in Omega-3, help keep serotonin and dopamine levels high.

Some experiments reveal that nerve cells grown in the laboratory do in fact need these fatty acids to multiply, specialize and play their role in transmitting nerve impulses.

All of this means that Omega-3s play a crucial role in supporting nervous system health and promoting your mental and physical well-being. Together we can make a real difference in your life.