What supplement and what dose of omega-3 can be given to a 7-year-old who struggles to pay attention?

Dear Madam,
the most suitable product for your child is VitaDHA because it has the highest intake of docosahexaenoic fatty acid (DHA). DHA promotes the differentiation of neurons by promoting the stimulation of the production of growth factors (e.g.NGF) that are responsible for the formation of new synapses (neuronal plasticity), one of the main mechanisms that supersede learning and memory. DHA is also one of the basic building blocks of the nervous system as it is a component of the myelin sheath: the electrical insulator of neuronal extensions, important in the proper transmission of nerve impulse.
EPA promotes modulation of the production of inflammatory prostaglandins that seem to be implicated in the states of anxiety and depression that very often accompany and exacerbate attention deficit, and I can tell you that some scientific studies have reported that this difficulty may be produced by a malfunction of the nerve pathways that are responsible for generating the feeling of contentment (positive reinforcement) and these pathways are regulated by dopamine. The recommended dose is 1 sachet of VitaDHA daily to be taken as is or diluted in cold foods/drinks (such as yogurt, especially citrus or fruit, fermented milks, juices, fruit purees or compotes, etc...).
To promote oil intake, it is recommended that the supplement be stored in the refrigerator or freezer because freezing causes any aftertaste and oily texture to be lost. We recommend a minimum supplementation period of 2-3 months, which can be extended depending on individual needs and requirements. I hope I have been helpful and invite you to contact us again for any further clarification or useful information.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist