Omegor Kids in cases of behavioral disorders and dyslexia

Dear Dr. Ramondino, I have an 11-year-old son who is dyslexic and his 13-year-old sister also has mild difficulties. For this reason I have already given them omegor kids syrup. I wanted to get your advice on whether this is the appropriate product for both of them and how long it should be taken. Thank you and regards
Dear Isabella,
supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids is always useful during children's growth and development to provide the body with these essential nutrients. The Omegor Kids syrup product you used for your children is definitely a suitable product for their age group, but in case of behavioral disorders and dyslexia I recommend you try using the VitaDHA product, a product also in liquid form but more concentrated in omega-3 DHA fatty acids.
Our brains are more than 60 percent fat, and most of the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that are present in our bodies are located in the brain, especially DHA the main component of the nervous system's cell membranes. Many scientific studies tell how a DHA deficiency in children can be related to dyslexia, dyspraxia, hyperactivity.
In addition, omega-3 fatty acids help maintain adequate levels of dopamine; when levels of this neurotransmitter drop you are more likely to be affected by attention disorders, decreased ability to concentrate on immediate tasks, and movement disorders.
VitaDHA contains even more pure and natural fish oil and is produced by a refining process that preserves as much of the oil's natural form as possible, keeps it stable for longer, and gives it a neutral taste. In addition, lemon flavor has been added to the formulation. I recommend for both your children, ages 11 and 13, one vial every other day before a main meal or mixed with cold foods such as yogurt or spreadable cheese. The supplementation should be continued for at least 2-3 months and can be carried forward without side effects. I recommend that you inform your treating physician, who can appreciate the physiological benefits of supplementation and based on these possibly vary the daily dosage.
Sincerely, Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist.