Increased total cholesterol, poor mental clarity, red eyes and blurred vision at times: are these the unwanted effects of fish oil?

Dear Doctor, In the last month I have abandoned what I was taking to keep my hereditary cholesterol of 230 total under control and started taking Cardiol and Vitality (one pearl of Omegor Vitality in the morning and one pearl of Cardiol at lunch). Result: total cholesterol 290, poor mental clarity, often red eyes and blurred vision at times! (I will have a general health check-up soon). Did I get the amount and dosage wrong? What therapy do you recommend for me besides a diet low in saturated fats? What do you recommend I take, keeping in mind that Omegor will soon have Krill oil among its products? Is krill useful against cholesterol? Is it true that fish oil fatigues the liver? Thank you for your attention. Best Regards
Dear James,
The side effects offish oil are generally mild. Usually due to overdose, they consist of gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, diarrhea, and flatulence.
For as long as our products have been on the market, we have never received such reports: among other things, the symptoms you describe are not attributable to the fish oil or any other components of the products in question.
Therefore, I recommend that you discontinue the treatment and perform more in-depth analysis. The dosage you observed is correct, but if your cholesterol value has increased (while with the chitosan-glucomannan product it remained constant) it probably means that you need the physical fat-sequestering effect implemented by these components.Krill oil will soon be available through our new product, Omegor Krill.
Scientific evidence shows efficacy in reducing cholesterol, but not at the dosage allowed in the European Union of1000 mg/day. Regarding your question about possible liver fatigue, I can tell you thatsupplementation with omega-3 fatty acids does not give such problems, indeed they are used at much higher dosages in the case of hepatic steatosis.
I cordially greet you and remain available for further clarification.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist