Ask the Pharmacist

High cholesterol: which supplement is suitable for my 63-year-old husband?

I ask what might be a good supplement for my husband (63 years old) who has always had high cholesterol (320) first treated with statins and later with Armolipid plus. He is now thirsty on 220 but would like it to drop further. In addition, having had both parents with Alzheimer's disease I would like to give him help in this regard as well. I await a kind reply and greet you cordially.

Dear Fulvia, 

I suggest you have your husband try the Cardiol Forte which contains omega-3 from fish oil useful in reducing triglycerides, fermented red rice extract, extract from artichoke leaves (the biophenols it contains have cholagogic, choleretic and hepatoprotective activities, and the flavonoids present inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis and protect LDL from oxidative damage), olive tree polyphenols whose activities in protecting LDL cholesterol from oxidation have been demonstrated by numerous studies, and coenzyme Q10.

The recommended daily dose of Cardiol forte is one capsule per day to be taken in the evening just before dinner, always remembering to follow a balanced diet. Regarding your second question, if your husband's diet does not contain sufficient amounts of fatty fish, I suggest that you combine the Cardiol forte a pure omega-3 supplement such as Meaquor 1000 or Vitality 1000.

The omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA are fundamental constituents of brain membranes, and therefore strongly influence the structure, fluidity, and communication between neurons. We recommend, of course, that you inform your treating physician of all dietary arrangements (diet, nutritional supplements) that you plan to adopt as well as talk about the possibility of using our products: all this in order to decide with him on the most appropriate therapy. 


Silvia Lisciani Ph.D. Nutrition biologist