ADHD, what if my child has it?

Dear Chiara,
as a general premise, I recommend that you consider dietary supplements as a nutritional support with exclusively nutritional and physiological effects to promote the regular performance of the body's functions. Based on what you describe, VitaDHA in single-dose vials is probably the most suitable product for your 5-year-old child. Usually in children with attention-deficit or hyperactivity deficits they find benefit from taking omega-3 DHA since these children are often more deficient in this fatty acid with very important structural functionsat thelevel of the nervous system and retina.
From what you have said, a diagnosis of ADHD has not been made, so should you decide to begin supplementation with VitaDHA, I recommend that this supplementation be undertaken in consultation with your pediatrician. For your child, you can start with the dosage of half a vial per day or one vial every other day for the first two weeks of supplementation and then increase the dosage to 1 vial per day by planning to supplement for a period of at least 2 months. The oil can be taken as is from the vial itself or poured over a teaspoon because it is almost free of fishy smell and taste and is lemon flavored. Alternatively, it can be added to white or fruit yogurt, spreadable cheese or smoothies. I remain available for further information.
Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist