Ask the Pharmacist

What is the best omega-3 supplement to take during breastfeeding?

Dear Vincenzo,

I recommend VitaDHA, a lemon-flavored liquid formulation of 1250 milligrams of DHA and 360 milligrams of EPA. It is available in single-dose sachets of 6.5 milliliters of oil.

Taking Omega-3 during pregnancy allows the baby to be supplied, via breast milk, with sufficient amounts of this essential fatty acid for proper neuronal and visual development while still in the strong growth phase.

Omega-3 DHA supplementation is particularly indicated during pregnancy and lactation: after pregnancy, in fact, reserves of this acid decrease dramatically, increasing the risk of postpartum depression and requiring 2 to 3 years to restore. I recommend taking the contents of half a sachet of oil (just over 3 milliliters) individually or adding it to yogurt, white or citrus.

To avoid any possible aftertaste, it is best to store the sachets in the freezer. In the weaning phase, your wife can continue supplementation with VitaDHA, which can be added to the baby's milk or baby food in a dose of 1 milliliter. However, I would remind you to consult your pediatrician first for all relevant information, advice and counseling. Hoping to have been of help, I remain at your disposal for any further questions or information and take this opportunity to wish your wife and baby all the best. Best regards.

Dr. Rosaria Ramondino
Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist