How many Omega-3s to lower cholesterol levels?

Good morning. I have total cholesterol at 237, bad LDL cholesterol at 167, triglycerides at 70. How many grams of omega-3 can I take per day?
Dear Augusto,
To help lower cholesterol and LDL, I would recommend that you take 1 capsule of Cardiol Forte just before dinner.
Cardiol Forte is a supplement rich in active ingredients that can promote the heart health. It contains Omega-3, fatty acids that promote the elevation of "good" HDL cholesterol and stabilize heart rate and rhythm.
Cardiol Forte also contains thefermented red rice extract, Olive extract titrated in Hydroxytyrosol, Coenzyme Q10 and an extract of Artichoke leaves titrated in biophenols and flavonoids. The biophenols in Artichoke extract have cholagogic, choleretic and hepatoprotective activities; In addition, the flavonoids present inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis and protect LDL from oxidative damage.
Vitamin E, piperine, and folic acid (which helps reduce levels of plasma homocysteine, a metabolite with injurious action on the vascular endothelium) complete the formulation. You can increase your fatty acid intake by combining Cardiol Forte with 1-2 capsules of Omegor Vitality 1000, an ultra-pure Omega-3 supplement that contains 535 mg of EPA and 268 mg of DHA in each capsule.
We suggest that you investigate and seek advice from your primary care physician and consider with him or her the possibility of using our supplements.
I remain at your disposal for further questions.
Beatrice Iozzino, Pharmacist