Ask the Pharmacist

High cholesterol: can I combine omega-3 and chitosan with Cardiol Forte?

I am taking Cardiol Forte for high cholesterol, can I also take chitosan and omega-3 ? Thank you

Dear Francis, 

Cardiol Forte thanks to the presence of a natural statin called monacolin k, acts on high cholesterol by reducing the cholesterol produced in our bodies by the liver. This production occurs at night, so it is good that consumption of the Cardiol Forte take place in the evening at dinner time. One capsule of Cardiol Forte contains 10 mg of monacolin K; this makes it possible to achieve, in two months of supplementation, a good reduction of high cholesterol in the blood, even with high values. You can find some information about monacolin in some of our blog articles, such as this one.

My advice is to follow the supplementation with Cardiol Forte and do, after two months, routine tests to check the reduction of blood cholesterol. If the effect obtained with Cardiol Forte is not sufficient you may, in accordance with your doctor's advice, combine chitosan, to be taken with water before meals so as to inhibit intestinal absorption of cholesterol and triglycerides. 

May combine Cardiol Forte with an omega-3 product, such as Omegor Vitality 1000 (30- or 45-capsule pack) at a dosage of 1-2 capsules per day at a meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner). If you will be taking the chitosan product in the future, I recommend that you space out the dosing such as. Omegor Vitality at breakfast or dinner and the chitosan at lunch. 


Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and pharmaceutical chemist