Ask the Pharmacist

Is it possible to take Cardiol together with Lipaxan and Vasoretic?

Dear Graziella,

She is already on Lipaxan therapy, which contains a statin: therefore, you could supplement your diet with Eulipid.
The active ingredients in it work synergistically with statins to promote hepatic reuptake of LDL cholesterol circulating.
Eulipid provides a proper dose in antioxidants, which is essential to protect the cardiovascular system (as well as other tissues) from damage caused by oxidative stress, a major cause of cellular deterioration.
The coenzymeQ10 present will serve to replenish the reduction seen during statin use.
The recommended dose is 1 tablet daily, taken just before dinner for at least 2 months. After this period, by repeating the tests, you will be able to verify the effectiveness of the treatment.
I recommend, of course, that you inform your treating physician of any dietary arrangements (diet, food supplements, etc.) that you plan to adopt.
I remain at your disposal for any further clarification on this matter.

Best regards. Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist