VitaDHA 1000, pure in principle

VitaDHA 1000
VitaDHA® 1000 is an omega-3 DHA supplement from purified fish oil by multi-stage molecular distillation Here are 3 good reasons to choose VitaDHA® 1000
- Safe and pure - IFOS 5-star certified*
- 70% more bioavailable
- Without return of taste
VitaDHA® 1000 is IFOS certified
- Purity: each batch is analyzed and IFOS certified for the absence of contaminants such as lead, arsenic, mercury, PCBs, etc.
- Freshness: each batch is analyzed and IFOS certified for peroxides, para-anisidine, acidity index and total oxidation.
- Concentrate in DHA: Each batch is analyzed and IFOS-certified for DHA content per capsule compared to what is stated on the label.
Download the 5-star IFOS certificate of the latest batch here Below is a table comparing the technical purity specifications of VitaDHA® 1000 with the limits imposed by European Regulations, the standards of the international association GOED (of which U.G.A. Nutraceuticals is a member) and IFOS standards. VitaDHA® 1000 is 70% more bioavailable VitaDHA® 1000 contains over 90% fish oil in a re-esterified triglyceride (rTG) form. This is the form in which fatty acids are present in the foods we take in from the diet and which our bodies are able to recognize, digest, and absorb physiologically. As shown recently by various studies, including: Re-esterified triglycerides increase Omega-3 bioavailability by 70%.
The re-esterified triglyceride (rTG) form is 70% more bioavailable than the ethyl ester (EE) form of omega-3, found in most fish oil dietary supplements. Capsules with no return of taste VitaDHA 1000 consists of 90% re-esterified triglyceride (rTG) and, therefore, is highly digestible and is virtually free of return of fish taste.
VitaDHA® 1000 with an eye on the wallet
In these times of crisis, it is essential that the cost of supplementation is affordable for most people. That is why we formulated VitaDHA® 1000 with a keen eye on the price per gram of omega 3 DHA, its active ingredient. In fact, 1g of DHA from some of the most popular brands on the market costs 120% to 600% more than VitaDHA 1000.
Price available on the site: Omegor website
* IFOS - International Fish Oil Standards quality certification program for fish oil dietary supplements developed by the independent Canadian laboratory Nutrasource Diagnostics Inc.