Woman in Health

Complete guide to the benefits of Omega 3 for pregnant women

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential nutrients for health at all stages of life, in both men and women, but they assume particular importance during pregnancy. Their impact on the health of the mother and developing baby is significant and well documented. Let's find out what multiple benefits these fats provide to pregnant women and why bioactive omega-3 supplements are so important at this stage of women's lives.

Neurological and visual development of the child

One of the most important roles of Omega-3s-more specifically, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)-is in the neurological and visual development of the child. In fact, DHA is an essential structural component of the cerebral cortex and retina, and adequate consumption of it during pregnancy has been associated in children with better results on intelligence tests, fine motor skills and communication. Pregnant women who increase their intake of Omega-3, as also indicated by the Italian Society of Human Nutrition (Sinu) in its Larns (the Reference Intake Levels of Nutrients and Energy for the Italian Population), can contribute significantly to their children's brain and vision development, preparing them for a healthier future.

Reducing the risk of preterm delivery

Rigorous scientific studies also suggest that increased Omega-3 intake during pregnancy may reduce the risk of preterm delivery. This benefit would be based on the anti-inflammatory properties of Omega-3, which may help regulate inflammation and improve placental function; this, in turn, would help extend the duration of pregnancy to a safer and healthier term. In addition, taking Omega 3 supplements has been associated with reduced incidence of preeclampsia and benefits in gestational diabetes.

Maternal mental health benefits

Pregnancy is a time of emotional vulnerability for many women, and Omega-3s have been shown to have beneficial effects on mental health. Adequate intake of these nutrients can reduce the risk of postpartum depression, a disorder that affects many women and can have a profound impact on the entire family. By ensuring adequate Omega-3 intake, pregnant women can improve their mood and reduce the risk of experiencing mood disorders during and after pregnancy.

Long-term health improvement

In addition to the immediate benefits during pregnancy and child development, meeting Omega-3 requirements has long-term positive effects on the mother's cardiovascular health. In fact, these nutrients promote good heart function and help keep blood pressure and triglycerides under control. 

How to introduce Omega-3 into the diet during pregnancy?

The best dietary sources of biologically active Omega-3 (DHA and EPA - eicosapentaenoic acid) are the are fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines. Unfortunately, some of these fish can accumulate dangerous amounts of mercury and other contaminants that are particularly dangerous to the fetus; therefore, it is recommended that fish be eaten 2-3 times a week, preferring smaller varieties (such as sardines and anchovies), and that consumption of larger fish, such as tuna, be limited to no more than 150 grams per week. With these limitations, meeting the increased need for DHA during pregnancy can be more difficult; high-quality Omega-3 supplements (highly purified and safe), taken under the supervision of a health professional, are a valuable, effective aid in ensuring adequate intake without the risk of dangerous contamination.


The inclusion of Omega-3s in a pregnant woman's diet promotes optimal child development and improves maternal health, contributing to a more peaceful and healthy pregnancy. 

Bibliographic references:

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