
Bronchospasm: what it is, symptoms and how Omega-3s can help you

Imagine running, cycling or swimming and suddenly feeling short of breath. That's what it feels like when you have bronchospasm. 

Omega-3s, fatty acids that are essential for the health of the body, can be an effective solution for improving lung function.

What is bronchospasm? The causes

Simply put, it is a temporary narrowing of the bronchi, caused by involuntary contraction of the bronchial smooth muscle and irritation of the surrounding tissues. This narrowing complicates breathing, especially during or after physical activity.

The main causes are:

  • Increased respiratory activity during physical exertion.
  • Exposure to allergens or irritants.
  • Inhalation of bacteria, viruses or toxic substances in the air.
  • Excessive breathing of dry or cold air.

Needless to add, for athletes and sportsmen, this disorder can be particularly insidious. 

Alarm bells: symptoms of bronchospasm

Recognizing the symptoms is crucial, so let's quickly figure out which ones are the most common:

  • Sudden respiratory distress.
  • Feeling of constriction in the chest.
  • Dry, persistent cough.
  • Hissing breath.
  • Rapid fatigue during exercise.

If you notice these symptoms, especially during or after physical activity, it is important to consult your doctor.

Bronchospasm and Omega-3: proven benefits

A recent study published in theAmerican Journal of Respiratory Critical Care Medicine revealed that Omega-3 intake may help reduce bronchospasm caused by physical activity. In fact, Omega-3s play a key role in:

  • Reduce airway inflammation.
  • Improving lung function.
  • Relieve the symptoms of bronchospasm.

And these benefits are also observable in those with asthma or chronic bronchitis.

How to incorporate Omega-3s into your diet

Now that you know how beneficial they can be, let's figure out how you can make sure you are taking sufficient amounts of Omega-3s to alleviate the unwell state caused by inflammation.

Here are some options:

  • Incorporate Omega-3 rich foods such as fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, herring, tuna, halibut, swordfish, brook trout), grains, legumes and oil seeds (chia, flax) into your diet.
  • Get help from supplements of fish oil: If your diet does not allow you to take in enough Omega-3s, supplements can be an effective alternative.

Remember: your well-being is unique and deserves special attention. Omega-3s can become that daily attention that allows you to practice your sport with more peace of mind.