
Unruly skin: combat the problem with nutrition and supplements

Acne: Omega 3, a great remedy!

It is a problem that all or most of us have gone through during adolescence but for many, it persists into adulthood. We are talking aboutacne. As always, nutrition is one of the triggers for the problem, combined with stress, anger, and hormonal dysfunction.

In several articles we have already talked about the role of Omega 3 as a valuable support for stress-related problems. Now let's look at the targeted function of Omega 3 directly on acne-prone skin.

Bad nutrition and pimples

It will come as no surprise that, the same foods that are best avoided to fight acne, are high in saturated fats, which are also detrimental to heart and artery health and a real factor in increasing obesity:

  • butter
  • cream
  • ice creams
  • cheeses
  • pork and sausages
  • fried
  • sugary drinks
  • white bread

Instead, our bodies need other types of fats to be healthy, the essential fatty acids, found in fish, flaxseeds, nuts and whole-grain cereals, algae

Foods to try against blackheads

But let us now look in detail at what foods can help us control the formation and proliferation of pimples. These are all foods rich in Omega 3 and combined with a targeted fatty acid supplement, as recommended by our pharmacist, can provide an effective plan of attack against the hated blemish:

  • Olive oil: but also sesame oil and flaxseed oil. They contain essential fatty acids that are necessary for good health. Fats are an integral part of cell membranes and help nourish the skin.
  • Green tea: capable of leading to a decrease in androgen production, it is known to be rich in an anti-inflammatory chemical that helps fight free radicals and prevent wrinkles.
  • Walnuts: they are rich in omega-3, with antioxidant power that helps keep the skin supple
  • Berries: blueberries, raspberries, red fruits in general are rich in phytochemicals that protect skin cells
  • Whole grain bread and/or with seeds and nuts: foods such as nuts and seeds are rich in selenium, which is excellent for helping to keep one's skin healthy. Experts say selenium plays a key role in skin cell health.
  • Apples. They contain significant amounts of pectin, the enemy of acne. They should be eaten with the peel, however, as most of the pectin is contained there.

Now that you know all the right food remedies and supplements to fight acne, start your own battle and if you want, share your results and tips with us on our Facebook page, on Twitter or G+.