Fighting acne with fish oil

Acne inflammation: omega 3, a winning therapy!
Taking fish oil can be helpful in fighting acne and reducing the marks it leaves on the skin. Studies show that these nutrients help reduce the inflammation associated with the lesions that appear on the skin of sufferers. But what is this effectiveness based on?
Omega-3 and skin health
Acne appears when the skin glands produce too much fat. This promotes the proliferation of bacteria under the epidermis and consequently inflammation. However, other factors can also contribute to the appearance of this disorder:
- nutrition
- stress
- hormones
Omega three in fish oil can improve skin health in several ways:
- Reduce redness and swelling of pimples due to their anti-inflammatory action;
- They improve the appearance of the skin by increasing cell hydration;
- reduce stress and improve mood, factors that decrease sebum production;
- decrease the accumulation of cells in the more superficial layers of the epidermis, preventing sebum from being trapped within the pores;
- can reduce the size of sebaceous glands and, consequently, sebum production itself;
- control excessive production of androgens, hormones associated with the production of acne-causing fat.
Fish oil, a remedy for acne without side effects
All these actions make fish oil Omega-3 a possible remedy for acne blemishes. But that's not all; its demonstrated effectiveness in regulating mood and stress may also help keep in check the emotional discomforts faced by sufferers of this skin problem. All without danger: none of the studies in which Omega-3s have been used to treat a wide variety of conditions have found harmful side effects on health.
Treatment for acne with fish oil: the rules
If you want to use fish oil to relieve acne symptoms, you need to follow 4 basic rules:
- Purchase capsules each containing 1 gram of fish oil.
- Begin treatment by taking 1 capsule daily, no matter whether near or away from meals. At this stage, it is good to check that no allergic reaction occurs and that the number or redness of lesions does not increase.
- After 1 week, increase the dosage to 2 or 3 capsules per day. For best results instead of taking them all at once, you can spread them throughout the day.
- Do not stop using the facial cleanser you usually use. This will provide results in less time.
For whom is fish oil indicated?
This treatment may be useful for those suffering from mild to moderate acne. In any case, it is always a good idea not to overdo the capsule intake and always stick to the dosages listed on the package.Flaxseed oil, a source of plant-based Omega-3, is a possible alternative for those who are allergic to fish oil or cannot take it because they are strictly vegetarian or vegan.