Omega-3 to improve blood vessel health

Omega-3 fish oil improves vascular health
Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can improve blood vessel function as well as promote vascular health.
This was revealed in a meta-analysis of 16 studies, conducted by the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College. The research result was published in the journal Atheosclerosis. The study indicates that dailyOmega-3 supplementation (in this case for 56 days, an average value) contributes to improved arterial vasodilation. The doses of fatty acids used ranged from 0.45 to 4.5 grams daily. In conclusion, it was found that:
- Medium-low administrations generate a dose-dependent effect;
- Higher administrations, however, have been linked to greater benefits for arterial vasodilation.
However, these benefits were observed only in patients with prior cardiovascular disease or who had certain risk factors. No particular improvements were noted in healthy subjects.
Omega-3 for heart health
This research adds another important piece to the scientific picture of Omega-3 benefits for the heart. Intake of these nutrients through diet or supplemental food supplementation has indeed been linked to a lower incidence of:
- Elevated blood lipid levels;
- thrombosis;
- high blood pressure.
The meta-analysis
Performed by the joint team, this meta-analysis includes data fusion from 16 studies and indicates that Omega-3 supplementation can fluidify, and by a lot, vascular function. Analysis of medical information from 901 participants established improvements in 2.3 percent of patients.