Stress remedies: foods containing Omega-3 fight anxiety and tension

Stress remedies: less anxiety and tension with foods rich in Omega 3
The Omega-3s are key ingredients of ananti-stress diet. Nutritionist Giorgio Calabrese and psychotherapist Paola Vinciguerra, president of the European Association for Disorder of panic attacks, emphasize this in their book "Stress&Diet. Tips and remedies for living your best life," published by Kowalski. Foods rich in Omega-3, vitamin C, water as well as proper use of salt help protect the body from the effect of daily stresses.
The nutrition of stressed people
Stress and anxiety significantly influence our eating behaviors. Food is often seen as a form of consolation or a means of overcoming stress, feelings of distress, despondency and dejection. Conversely, some eating behaviors can lead to anger or even depression. Examples:
- Those who continuously jump from one diet to another.
- Those who spend the night bingeing.
- Those who totally ban certain foods, reputed to be an enemy of physical fitness.
These health-threatening behaviors promote an unhealthy relationship with food, which according to Vinciguerra is believed to be a kind of"stress-fighting technique." Food addiction as well as the banning of certain foods is actually a double-edged sword: improper nutrition deprives the body of nutrients needed to combat stress.
Eating behaviors to avoid
For the authors, some eating behaviors result in increased stress. Example: People who skip lunch because of overwork and then console themselves with dinner. Perhaps he or she exaggerates with alcohol to try to relax. You don't have to be busy all day for tensions to get to the point of compromising good nutrition: in children, the anxiety absorbed by a mother who is overly concerned that her little one is eating enough is detrimental to the relationship with food. The child may even use food as a kind of blackmail to feel like the center of attention. A healthy diet, starting as early as breakfast, is essential to improve the relationship with food as well as ward off anxiety and obsessions. Meals should be eaten sitting down and calmly to better savor food.
Foods against stress
Calabrese and Vinciguerra recommend various foods to guard against the side effects of anxiety and stress on health:
- Oranges, broccoli, kiwi, berries, peppers and tomatoes, foods rich in vitamin C. This nutrient is essential for the production of adrenaline, a key molecule for balancing the brain under stress.
- Carrots, green leafy vegetables, yellow or orange fruits , which provide the right amount of beta-carotene.
- Salmon, tuna and mackerel, walnuts, foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids with remarkable health benefits.
Other basic stress-relieving food rules:
- Balance salt consumption.
- Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of fluids daily.
- Limit fat consumption.