I suffer from endometriosis, which supplement should I choose?

Hello I suffer from Chronic Intestinal Endiometriosis stage 4 I would like advice on Omega-3 Thank you
Dear Emanuela,
as I am sure you already know, nutrition plays an important role in the management of endometriosis-especially in reducing the painful symptoms associated with the condition. Dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids fits into this picture.
Omega-3s may exert an adjuvant anti-inflammatory effect and in general may intervene in pro-inflammatory physiological mechanisms. In a condition such as endometriosis, which has an important inflammatory component, in support of drug therapies the omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) found in fish oil could help:
- Reduce the inflammatory response;
- modulate the production of inflammation mediators-substituting in cell membranes for arachidonic acid AA, a precursor of pro-inflammatory mediators.
Routinely consuming fish and omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA can therefore be a valuable adjunctive treatment in endometriosis, yes to relieve inflammation, but also progressively to reduce the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that are generally used. The product I recommend you try is Omegor TwinEFA. It has synergistic formulation of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA in the form of natural triglycerides and omega-6GLA from borage oil, a combination that has been shown to exert marked anti-inflammatory action. I recommend that you take 2-3 pearls daily in close proximity to a meal for a period of at least 2 months--time needed to experience the effectiveness of dietary supplementation.
In any case, I recommend that you consult with your physician to evaluate with him or her the advisability, dosage and duration of supplementation with Omegor TwinEFA-especially in view of ongoing drug therapies for endometriosis Other dietary precautions that I recommend you implement are to limit your consumption of meat, ham and sausages and instead increase your consumption of vegetables, fresh fruits and fish for the presence of omega-3s. I invite you to contact us again and remain available for further questions.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino, Pharmacist and pharmaceutical chemist