Ask the Pharmacist

Mild cognitive retardation, which supplement for an 11-year-old boy?

I have an 11-year-old boy (1.55 by 53 kg) with mild cognitive delay and a mild form of Asperger's Syndrome,since he does not eat much fish I would like to supplement his diet with omega-3.Which supplement is best for him?

Dear Flora, 

in accordance with your doctor's advice, I recommend that you try the product VitaDHA liquid in single-dose vials. This is a supplement with high amounts of the omega-3 DHA, a fatty acid found in high concentrations in the membranes of neuronal cells, where it plays an important structural role that enables neurons to communicate more effectively with each other. 

The product is available in single-dose 6-gram vials of deodorized, lemon-flavored fish oil, which is particularly suitable for children because it has a neutral, pleasant taste when taken as is. Alternatively, VitaDHA can be added to beverages, whether lukewarm or cold, fruit yogurts, smoothies, spreadable cheeses, juices and juices. 

The recommended dose is one vial per day. It may possibly start for the first few weeks with one vial every other day and then come up to full regimen. It is a good idea to supplement for at least 2 months, and after that, possibly alternate 2-month cycles with 15 to 30 days off. 

I recommend that you start supplementation in consultation with your child's attending physician, so that you can decide in accordance with him and the therapy your child is on. 


Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist