Omegor Antiage: how to take it properly?

Good evening, I have been using your Omegor Antiage for about 2 months now: I would like to know if it is okay to discontinue it occasionally and if so for how long. I would also like to know if it is incompatible or unnecessary to combine it with Omegor Twinefa, since I have read that it can be helpful in menopause. I have been in menopause for 5 years and have no particular complaints, I do not do any replacement therapies other than phytoestrogens. Thank you kind regards
Dear Michela,
Omegor Antiage can be very helpful in counteracting signs and symptoms of menopause.
Indeed, the combination of antioxidants, Omega-3 and gamma-linolenic acid from borage oil contributes to:
- Slow down skin aging (loss of elasticity, dryness, etc.);
- Promote a good mood;
- Reduce hot flashes.
An Italian clinical study (Campagnoli et al., 2005), conducted in a double-blind versus placebo manner for 24 weeks, showed a significant reduction in hot flashes following supplementation with fish oil and borage oil. According to the researchers, this result is due to the stabilizing effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the membranes of nervous system cells. Omega-3 fatty acids EPA, DHA and GLA influence the serotonergic system that regulates the hypothalamic centers of thermoregulation, allowing a reduction in hot flashes.
The combination of Omega-3 and GLA also promotes the reduction of levels of inflammatory prostaglandins (e.g., PGE2), hormones responsible for bone resorption. Such contribute to mood imbalance and the onset of various skin disorders:
- dryness
- eczemas
- psoriasis
Omega-3 EPA and DHA are then also very important for maintaining normal heart function (250 milligrams per day), parameters that should not be underestimated especially as women enter menopause. That said, I believe that it is not necessary to discontinue the treatment.
In case you prefer to follow break periods, I recommend that each intake cycle lasts at least 2-3 months: this will allow the active ingredients to carry out their action and take breaks of up to 1 month. Daily Omega-3 intake can be increased by combining Omegor Antiage with up to 2 pearls of Omegor Vitality 1000, a simpler and highly concentrated formulation of EPA and DHA fatty acids.
Vitality pearls should be taken just before a main meal, also in combination with Omegor Antiage. I hope I have been helpful and invite you to contact us again for any further information.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist