Ask the Pharmacist

Are omega-3s effective for the treatment of acne?

Good morning, I am 33 years old and have suffered from acne on my face almost forever. This past year it has concentrated on my chin and neck. I have tried everything, but with no lasting results. After treatment with Diane, the cysts were completely gone, not the acne. Now the cysts are still there, but I consider it unnecessary to resume medicinal treatments at this point. I have read that Omega-3s can help. But which ones to choose? I have read that Omegor products are great, but which ones to take for acne?

Dear Silvia, 

Dietary supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) helps reduce skin inflammation: for this reason, it may be recommended in individuals with acne.

I suggest you is Omegor Antiage, a supplement rich in Omega-3, GLA and antioxidants that help:

  • Promote skin trophism;
  • Reduce oxidative stress;
  • Contribute to an improvement in the overall health of the skin.

GLA performs important functions in our body: unfortunately, the enzyme deputed to its production begins to function less around the age of 30. A deficiency of the same GLA has been related to disorders typical of premenstrual syndrome, pre- and postmeopause periods, and forms of acne. The recommended dose is 1 pearl per day, taken just before a main meal. 

The treatment should last at least 2 months to allow the active ingredients to perform their action in the best way. Regarding availability, our products can be found in all pharmacies and parapharmacies. You can also buy our products online: Omega-3 EPA and DHA supplements from fish oil In this section you will find the information you want.

 By purchasing online you will be assured of receiving the freshest production batch. It is also possible to pay by cash on delivery.

 Thank you for contacting us, and I would like to take this opportunity to say that I remain at your disposal for any further clarification on this matter. 


Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist.