Ask the Pharmacist

Discontinuing and resuming Omega-3 intake after 1 month: right choice?

For the past 4 months I have been taking 3 pearls a day of Omegor Vitality 1 gram. My home doctor tells me to stop for a month and then resume. Apparently these are the directions of world medicine. What are your thoughts and what do you recommend?

Dear Mary, 

The minimum period ofOmega-3 supplementation is about 2 months, the time needed to promote the accumulation of fatty acids in cell membranes Supplementation can be continuous or cyclic (3-4 months), with variable withdrawal periods depending on needs. It is dietary supplementation, with essential nutrients for our diet, which can be taken for long periods of time (even years) without leading to addiction, contraindications or side effects due to prolonged intake. 

The multiple molecular distillation process eliminates risks of pollutant accumulation and ensures the high purity of the fish oil in Omegor Vitality pearls. 

I remain available for further information. 


Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist