Omega-3 supplementation for children: from what age?

Good morning, I wanted to know from what age I can give Omegor Kids to my child. Thank you, Gabriel
Dear Gabriel,
the plant-based omega 3 DHA supplement for children, Omegor Kids (also suitable for vegetarians) is recommended in children older than 2 years because it contains honey, a food that should not be taken by children younger than 2 years old.
If your child is over 2 years old or has already included this food in his or her diet, you can have him or her take Omegor Kids at a dosage of one vial per day. The product can be taken as is or added to warm or cold foods and drinks.
We recommend adding it to fruit yogurt or spreadable cheese. You can take it without any interruption, but if you prefer to do supplementation cycles, these should last at least 3 months with 15-day breaks.
Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist