Ask the Pharmacist

Epilepsy: which product is most suitable?

Good evening, I would like to try your omega 3. The person is already being treated for epilepsy and has dermatitis of presumable allergic/autoimmune origin. Which one would you recommend between omegor vitality 1000-meaquor 1000. I am especially interested in the neuroprotective effect, many thanks.

Dear Simona, 

some scientific research has shown that omega-3s can help those with epilepsy by reducing seizures.

For example, a study from a few years ago, which we had also discussed in our blog verified a decrease in the frequency of seizures probably due to the ability of omega-3s to regulate the transmission of nerve signals.

In fact, omega-3s are essential constituents of neurons, whose growth and function they regulate by exerting a neuroprotective effect, as shown by several studies. In light of this scientific evidence, if your medical professional also agrees, I recommend that you try supplementation with Omegor Vitality 1000, a fish oil product rich in omega-3. 

Each pearl contains 500 milligrams of EPA and 250 milligrams of DHA in the form of triglycerides that are highly assimilable and digestible by the body. The dose I recommend is 2-3 capsules of Omegor Vitality 1000 daily. 

Best regards 

Silvia Lisciani Ph.D. Nutrition biologist