70-year-old heart patient with diabetes, which omega-3 is most suitable?

What supplement to use for a 70-year-old man with severe both diabetes and heart problems?
Dear Josephine,
in the elderly, heart disease and diabetes together constitute a complex picture: in the case of concomitant diseases, it is a good idea to implement any dietary supplementation with the consent of the treating physician, who knows the patient's history and current drug therapies.
Meaquor 1000
Therefore, my advice is to check with your doctor about taking a concentrated, pure omega-3 fatty acid dietary supplement such as Meaquor 1000. Supplementation with EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids provides the following heart health benefits:
- Contributes to the maintenance of normal cardiac function at a dosage of at least 250 mg EPA and DHA per day - with 1 capsule per day of Meaquor 1000
- Contributes to the maintenance of normal blood triglyceride levels with a daily dosage of 2 g EPA + DHA - about 2 capsules per day of Meaquor 1000
- contributes to the maintenance of normal blood pressure with a daily intake of 3 g per day of EPA+ DHA-about 3 capsules per day of Meaquor 1000.
Taking one or more capsules is best done at a main meal-breakfast, lunch, or dinner-in a single administration or at different times, depending on individual needs. I remain available for further information.
Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist