Ask the Pharmacist

Cholesterol control, what could I take instead of statins?

I had an angioplasty in 2002 and have been taking statin-containing tablets (simvastatin, cardioaspirin, seles beta, plaunazide, given by the hospital) ever since. Now, after changing various types containing statins, for leg muscle cramps, I take provisacor 10 mg. This too, however, contains statin and the pains are still occurring. Is there any other tablet that does not contain statin but keeps cholesterol down? Thank you

Dear Gabriel, 

I recommend that you check with your doctor about taking Eulipid to control your blood cholesterol levels. Eulipid is a dietary supplement in tablet form that contains neither fish oil nor natural statins. Its main component is Berberine a substance of plant origin that, as shown by several scientific studies, increases the "capture" of cholesterol by the liver, and is also effective in controlling blood sugar immediately after meals and other pathological manifestations, typical of Metabolic Syndrome.

 Eulipid also contains Citrus bioflavonoids and polycosanols, which, together with resveratrol, tocotrienols and CoQ10 are useful in rebalancing levels of total cholesterol, "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. Due to its formulation, Eulipid can be a viable alternative for the treatment of dyslipidemia (as well as metabolic syndrome) especially in cases of non-response or intolerance to statins, allowing satisfactory control of border-line cholesterolemia up to 239 mg/dl. 

The recommended daily dose of Eulipid is 1 tablet per day, taken preferably before dinner, for a minimum period of 8 weeks, after which you should repeat routine tests to verify the effectiveness of the supplement. I recommend that you evaluate with your treating physician the possibility of replacing the medication you are currently taking with the Eulipid supplement and invite you to contact us again for more information. 


Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist