Good and bad cholesterol: how to raise HDL?

I am 53 years old... After using about 12 grams of soy lecithin daily for about a month to lower cholesterol, I end up with the following works: triglycerides 1O9 (Normal values 0 - 150) , total cholesterol 164 (Normal values 150 - 200 ) HDL cholesterol 35 (Normal values 45 - 65 ). What Omegor product could I take, and in what amounts, to increase HDL? Can I combine soy lecithin and omega-3 to keep cholesterol in check? If yes, in what amounts?
Dear Madam,
to maintain regular heart function and normal blood triglyceride levels, I recommend supplementation with the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA found in Omegor Vitality.
The soy lecithin-omega-3 combination is certainly feasible as well. If you were comfortable with the lecithin dosage used, I would recommend combining 1 or 2 capsules per day of Omegor Vitality - taken either just before or during a main meal, so that each day provides a good dose of the omega-3 EPA and DHA that support heart function.
Good cholesterol: how to increase it?
In contrast, as far as raising HDL good cholesterol values is concerned, one of the most valid and effective tools for increasing plasma levels is physical activity - as this parameter is poorly modifiable by drugs. Physical activity does not necessarily mean playing sports but having a dynamic lifestyle. These are activities that can produce a significant increase in HDL cholesterol levels:
- avoid taking the elevator
- walk up the stairs
- Being able to devote at least 30 minutes a day to brisk walking
- follow as varied a diet as possible
- stop smoking
In fact, smoking very negatively affects the level of HDL. In short, prefer a healthy and dynamic lifestyle, carve out time in your days for a walk and, absolutely, if you are a smoker, stop smoking as soon as possible. I remain available for further information.
Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist