Why is the IFOS mark not on the packaging?

Dear Vincenzo,
current regulations in Italy regarding the labeling and advertising of dietary supplements do not allow reference to any approvals by scientific bodies or associations, either on the label or within the package insert.
In fact, it is believed that such label claims can be misleading to consumers and decrease the level of criticism in choosing a product in relation to their individual needs, which vary from individual to individual.
The IFOS program has a public online database on whether the company from which you intend to purchase Omega-3 has certification and whether the commercial batch has been analyzed and certified. It can be consulted here: International Fish Oil Standards - IFOS. We use only fish oils of certified purity, which conform to and exceed the rigorous GOED (of which we are a member) and IFOS standards.
Hoping that I have provided you with a comprehensive answer, I invite you to contact us again for any further clarification.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist.