Ask the Pharmacist

Which supplement to counter dry eye syndrome?

Good evening, I have been using Cardiol, for almost a year to fight cholesterol, with satisfactory results. I would like to know if I can combine Omegor Twinefa for the dry eye problem. And for how long should I use Omegor Twinefa. Thank you

Dear Vito, 

To counteract dry eye syndrome, I suggest supplementation with the product Omegor TwinEFA which you can combine with Cardiol. The combination of omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA and omega-6 GLA exerts an anti-inflammatory effect, and, some clinical studies conducted on patients with dry eye syndrome have shown that this combination is able to reduce their symptoms, due to an increase in the lipid layer and a reduction in ocular irritation. 

At this link I point you to two studies that have identified the effectiveness of supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in cases of dry eye syndrome.

The product Omegor TwinEFA is available in soft capsules that contain a deodorized, orange-flavored oil, which, for this reason, can also be chewed, if you are unable to swallow them, so that you take only the oily contents and then discard the gelatin casing. I recommend a dosage of 1-2 capsules per day to be taken at a meal for a period of 3 to 6 months

I remain available for any further clarification. 


Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist