Supplementation with VitaDHA Materna. When to start?

Good morning, I wanted to know from what month of pregnancy are omega 3 supplements recommended? Some recommend from the first trimester, others from the second trimester, your VITA DHA MATERNA since when do you recommend it? Possibly, do you also recommend vita dha 1000 in pregnancy and in what doses from the first trimester? Thank you and best regards
Good afternoon,
The most important omega-3 fatty acids for our health are EPA and DHA. Supplementation especially with DHA, the omega-3 fatty acid with structural function that enters into the formation of the membranes of neurons and retinal photoreceptors, is recommended during pregnancy. Implementing supplementation with DHA is recommended both during the delicate period of pregnancy and later, during lactation.
Adequate intake of DHA by the mother can provide the fetus first, and the infant later through breast milk, with sufficient amounts of this essential fatty acid for proper neuronal and visual development. In addition to the development of the baby, supplementation with DHA is also important for the health of the mother. The fetus draws from the mother's DHA reserves for its growth, and after pregnancy the woman's DHA reserves decrease dramatically increasing the risk of postpartum depression, and requiring 2 to 3 years to be restored.
The product VitaDHA Materna is a dietary supplement based on fish oil with a high concentration of DHA (450 mg per capsule) and Quatrefolic (5-MTHF glucosamine salt) the active form of folate that does not require to be metabolized by our body and is therefore fully absorbed by all women. Because of this combination, VitaDHA Materna is indicated in the periconceptional period, during pregnancy and also during breastfeeding.
From the second trimester of pregnancy and throughout breastfeeding, the following products may possibly be taken: VitaDHA1000 soft capsules of 1000 mg fish oil that provides 500 mg of DHA per capsule. The recommended dosage is 1 capsule per day near a meal.
Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist