All the information about krill oil?

Dear Sir,
l'krill oil is classified in Europe with "novel food" status, that is, as a new food ingredient considered to be of uncommon use. Novel food status means that characteristics of krill oil such as how the extract is obtained and the possible concentrations of omega-3 EPA and DHA are regulatedin Europe by a European Commission Decision of October 12, 2009.
Within the text you will also find the characteristics that the raw material krill oil must have: the maximum intake of EPA+DHA from krill oil approved by the European Commission in the 2009 decision for the category of dietary supplements was initially 200 mg of EPA+DHA-while at the end of 2012 it was increased to 250 mg.
We purchase the raw material Krill Oil from one of the two leading manufacturers in the world. The oil is then encapsulated in rigid vegetable gelatin capsules. The choice to use liquid encapsulation technology in hard capsules rather than softgel encapsulation is dictated by the fact that the Omegor Krill product's hard capsules have a special sealing system that preserves the quality of the krill oil over time better than the soft gelatin casing. In addition, the hard capsules reduce the perception of the intense odor characteristic of krill oil on the outside of the capsule.
Krill Oil and VitaDHA 1000
In addition to what has just been said, I wanted to inform you, if you are not already aware, that the product is available VitaDHA 1000 - the capsule version of the liquid VitaDHA product. VitaDHA is IFOS certified.
It is in 1000-mg oil capsules that provide 470 mg of DHA and 100 mg of EPA per capsule.
The recommended dosage for this product is 1 to 3 capsules per day to be taken near a main meal.
I remain available for further information.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and pharmaceutical chemist