Ask the Pharmacist

Omega-3 supplements: what is the right dosage?

Good morning, I purchased 4 packs of Omega-3 supplements from you. I wanted to know how many capsules to take per day and whether there is a maximum period. In this regard there are conflicting indications: some friends say that Omega-3 should not be taken every day or at least maximum for 2 /3 months per year. I would like to have clarification on this. Thank you and have a good day

Dear Doctor, 

our diet has changed considerably in recent decades. The intake of omega-3 fatty acids has been drastically reduced leading to an increase in the ratio of Omega-6/Omega-3.

Because of the increase in this link, as shown by several epidemiological studies, there is a higher incidence in the population of cardiovascular and inflammatory diseases. Whendietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids is initiated, it restores a balance that was present within our bodies, a balance that was then altered by poor eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles.

Reasoning from this perspective, it is clear thatsuch supplementation with fatty acids can be protracted without the appearance of side effects. I recommend that you take 2 pearls per day of Omegor Vitality 1000, either before or during a main meal. The benefits of Omega-3 EPA and DHA will be seen gradually over 8 weeks of supplementation, the time it takes for them to become part of cell membranes.

He can prolong supplementation without any problems and can manage it as he sees fit, even according to his eating habits. Example: consuming fish 3-4 times a week allows the daily Omega-3 intake to be reduced. 

I cordially greet you and remain at your disposal for any further information. 

Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist