By taking VitaDHA Materna and 5 mg of Folin at the same time, can I encounter folic acid overdose?

Dear Doctor, I am in my fourth week of pregnancy. I purchased VitaDHA Materna as a supplement, I would like to know if taking it together with 5 mg folin there is a risk of "overdose" of folic acid.
Dear Catherine,
Folic acid intake is most important in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
The dosage of 5 milligrams is already an important dosage, so I do not recommend that you take them at the same time. Each pearl of VitaDHA Materna contains 250 milligrams of DHA, 50 milligrams of EPA and 400 micrograms of L-Methylfolate, the most easily absorbed form of folic acid.
The amount of folic acid present is the minimum amount recommended in pregnancy, so, again following the advice of your gynecologist, I would recommend that you continue with Folina intake for the first 3 months and then switch to maternal VitaDHA. This supplement is particularly recommended from the 3rd month of pregnancy until the 6th month of breastfeeding.
The last trimester of pregnancy is the period when the need for DHA increases considerably. Supplementation of DHA in the mother during lactation can provide the baby, via breast milk, with sufficient amounts of this fatty acid. DHA is essential for proper neuronal and visual development, which is still in a strong growth phase. In addition, supplementation with DHA is important after pregnancy, when reserves of this acid decrease dramatically increasing the risk of postpartum depression (they require 2 to 3 years to be restored).
The recommended dosage of maternal VitaDHA is 1 pearl per day, taken just before a main meal. I recommend that you inform your gynecologist about any dietary arrangements (diets, nutritional supplements, etc.) that you plan to take.
I remain available for further questions on this issue.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist