Ask the Pharmacist

Omega-3 dosage for 4-year-old child with dyspraxia?

What is the recommended Omega-3 dosage for a child with dyspraxia who is 4 1/2 years old? Thank you, Katia 

Kindest Katia,

A major clinical study conducted in children aged 5 to 12 years with attention disorders showed thatsupplementation with Omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) and Omega-6fatty acids (GLA: gammalinolenic acid) induces significant improvement in reading, behavioral, and spelling (spelling ability) skills.

After 3 months of study, the researchers concluded that fatty acid supplementation could be a safe and effective alternative in the treatment of children with behavioral disorders. In any case, it is necessary for the supplementation to be followed by the medical specialist so that he or she can check and measure progress over time. Hoping to have been helpful, I remain at your disposal for any further questions or clarifications and wish you all the best for your son.


Dr. Francesca Marini PhD Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist