How much Omega-3 can I take daily?

Good evening, could I know what is the maximum dosage/quantity of Omega 3, EPA and DHA, that I can take daily? Thank you for your reply.
Dear Valeria,
the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considers dosages of up to 3 grams of EPA-DHA to be safe.
For higher amounts, it is advisable to refer to your health care professional. The daily dose of Omega-3 may vary depending on several factors:
- age;
- gender;
- state of physical training;
- reason you want to start supplementation with these essential fatty acids.
The minimum one of Omega-3 EPA+DHA for healthy adults should be around 500 milligrams, as also recommended by ISSFAL (International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and Lipids). For a woman with an intermediate degree of physical training, the daily amount of EPA and DHA should range from 800 to 1400 milligrams, equal to 1-2 pearls of Omegor Vitality 1000 (or 2-4 pearls of Vitality 500) and corresponding to a daily intake of 1-2 grams of fish oil. If you intend to follow Dr. Sears' Zone Diet, you should take 2.5 grams of EPA+DHA from a fish oil product purified by molecular distillation and IFOS certified, just like Omegor Vitality. I hope I have answered your question and invite you to contact us again for more information.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist