Can Omega-3s help with heart palpitation?

I suffer from "paroxysmal exertional heart palpitation, a reciprocating nodal re-entrant tachycardia with VA interval 20-40 msec." This is written in the outcome of an electrophysiological study: can taking Omega-3 help me? if yes in what amount? Thank you.
Dear Elena,
Omega-3s are able to exert antiarrhythmic activity due to their ability to become part of cardiac cell membranes, stabilizing them and affecting the activity of the ion channels that determine their contraction.
For this reason, supplementation with the product Omegor Vitality may help you in counteracting the appearance of fibrillatory phenomena. We recommend daily intake of 1 to 3 pearls of Vitality 1000 (which corresponds to 2 to 6 pearls of Vitality 500), preferably before main meals: this will improve absorption and avoid any possible "backlash effect." Hoping to have answered your request completely, I remain at your disposal for any further questions or clarifications.
Dr. Jessica Lolli Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist