Ask the Pharmacist

Menopausal arthritis, which supplement?

Good morning I am 52 years old and have been in menopause for a year which I am treating with a soy and resveratrol supplement vitamin d3 and vitamin k2. I was found to have cervical arthritis which I am treating with physiotherapy, also I have cholesterol at 210. I have seen your products and I am interested in them because of how seriously you treat them. Before I make any purchases, however, I am uncertain of which products might be right for me. Can you advise me? I am a woman who does sports and I try to help myself with proper nutrition.

Dear Madam, 

to help manage arthritis in menopause, based on the picture you presented to me I think the product that might help you is Omegor TwinEFA, a formulation based on:

  • Fish oil concentrated in omega-3 EPA and DHA ;
  • Borage oil rich in omega-6 GLA.

This formulation-has been highlighted by several clinical studies-can be a valuable adjuvant support to drug therapy in chronic inflammatory diseases and in arthritis and osteoarthritis, especially in helping to suppress the inflammatory processes underlying these diseases.

  • In fact, the combination of Omega-3 and Omega-6 present in the Omegor TwinEFA product negatively influences the production of the chemical mediators of pain (pro-inflammatory eicosanoids) in favor instead of other substances with anti-inflammatory and inflammation-resolving actions.

But progressively this supplementation can also be useful for:

  • relieve chronic pain associated with arthritis and to help reduce the use of NSAIDs and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • counteract some of the most common discomforts of menopause, helping, for example, to slow skin aging (loss of elasticity, dryness, etc.), promote good mood and reduce hot flashes.

In short, you can try Omegor TwinEFA not only for arthritis, but also for menopause. An Italian clinical study (Campagnoli et al., 2005) showed a significant reduction in hot flashes following supplementation with fish oil and borage oil. According to the researchers, this result is due to the stabilizing effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids on the membranes of the cells of the nervous system: in fact, the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA and GLA influence the serotonergic system that regulates the hypothalamic centers of thermoregulation, allowing a reduction in hot flashes.

  • The dose I recommend is 2 capsules per day of Omegor TwinEFA to be taken at a main meal (breakfast, lunch, or dinner);
  • as to the duration of supplementation, I recommend a period of at least 2 months after which it may provide break periods of 15-30 days, and then resume supplementation;

On the other hand, regarding your cholesterol values, I believe that at the moment it is not necessary to intervene with a specific supplement - but try to take care of your diet as you already do to keep your values under control. In any case, I recommend that you discuss with your doctor the advisability of starting supplementation with Omegor TwinEFA, especially if you are simultaneously following drug therapies. I remain available for further information. 


Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and pharmaceutical chemist