Ask the Pharmacist

Is Meaquor useful in diabetes?


considering the picture you described to me, omega-3 fatty acids are not contraindicated; indeed, in the case of type II diabetes, a proper intake of omega-3 EPA and DHA (at least 1g per day), may be helpful in reducing the pro-inflammatory and pro-thrombotic state that characterizes this disease. In addition, omega-3s promote peripheral circulation and have a trophic effect at the level of the retina and central nervous system.

The recommended dose is 1-2 pearls per day of Meaquor to be taken just before main meals. Any dietary supplementation should be undertaken in consultation with the treating physician especially in case of concomitant drug therapies, so I recommend that you inform him if you decide to have your father take Meaquor or any other type of supplement. I remain available for further questions.

Sincerely, Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist.