Omega-3 supplements for skin: what do you recommend?

Dear Georgia,
food-grade gelatin used in the production of the beads of all products in the Omegor line is of bovine origin and pharmaceutical purity.
The most recommended product for the skin is Omegor Antiage, a formulation rich in active ingredients with adjuvant effects for skin trophism, microcirculation as well as the resolution of inflammatory phenomena such as dermatitis. The main nutrients are the polyunsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA (Omega-3) andgamma-linolenic acid (Omega-6) from borage oil. Such have the function of regulating and balancing the production of eicosanoids, and thus promote skin elasticity, hydration and tone. The active ingredients, combined with antioxidants, help maintain the natural youthfulness of the skin by:
- Promotion of cellular metabolism (Co-Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid);
- a reduction of oxidative stress (resveratrol, curcumin, sesamin).
The recommended dose is 1 pearl per day, taken before a main meal. I remain available for further questions on this subject.
Sincerely Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist