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I don't understand the difference between Cardiol and Eulipid: which one is better for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels?

I would also like to order something specific for cholesterol and triglycerides. I have read about Cardiol and Eulipid however I do not understand the difference,if you could kindly advise me. I look forward to your kind reply

Dear Chiara, 

Cardiol is a supplement formulated to ensure the overall health of the cardiovascular system.

In fact, the Omega-3s present help to reduce blood triglycerides, promote a rise in "good" HDL cholesterol, stabilize heart rate and rhythm, etc. 

Cardiol Forte also contains fermented red rice extract, Olive extract titrated in Hydroxytyrosol, Coenzyme Q10 and an extract of Artichoke leaves titrated in biophenols and flavonoids. The biophenols in Artichoke extract have cholagogic, choleretic and hepatoprotective activities; In addition, the flavonoids present inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis and protect LDL from oxidative damage.

Vitamin E, piperine, and folic acid (which helps reduce levels of plasma homocysteine, a metabolite with injurious action on the vascular endothelium) complete the formulation. The recommended dosage for Cardiol Forte is 1 capsule daily, taken in the evening just before dinner Eulipid is a supplement that does not contain fish oil and has berberine as its main component. Berberine, as shown by several scientific studies, exerts a hypoglycemic effect in addition to its hypolipidemic action. 

Studies have shown that the combination of berberine and Citrus bioflavonoids, found in Eulipid, also reduces postprandial hyperglycemia in overweight subjects. The formulation features bioflavonoids, policosanols, resveratrol, tocotrienols and CoQ10, which are useful in balancing blood levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. 

Eulipid may be a viable alternative for the treatment of dyslipidemia and metabolic syndrome, especially in all cases of non-response or intolerance to statin treatment. Again, the recommended daily dose is 1 tablet per day, to be taken preferably before dinner. 1 packet is thus sufficient for 1 month of supplementation. 

Both supplements can then be combined with 1-2 capsules of Omegor Vitality 1000, taken before a main meal. We suggest that you investigate and seek advice from your primary care physician and consider with him or her the possibility of using our supplements.  

I remain available for further information on this issue. 


 Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist