Ask the Pharmacist

Supplements containing turmeric, what action after reports?

Dear Claudia,

Following reports during the summer of 2019 of cases of cholestatic hepatitis occurring as a result of taking dietary supplements containing extracts and preparations ofCurcuma longa, or the consumption of turmeric powder itself, the Ministry of Health formed an interdisciplinary group of experts to investigate the issue. 

The expert panel, together with the Dietetics and Nutrition Section of the Technical Committee on Nutrition and Animal Health, carried out specific investigations and concluded that "the causes, to date, are likely to be attributable to particular conditions of individual susceptibility, pre-existing, even latent, alterations in hepatobiliary function, or even concomitant intake of drugs."

In other words, cases of hepatitis occurred in people who were already suffering from liver- and gallbladder-related problems or who were taking medications that could interact with turmeric, or even people who just could not tolerate it. For more information see the link below.

Therefore, the Ministry of Health has decided to adopt a new warning to be stated on the label on all supplements containing turmeric: "Use of the product is not recommended in cases of impaired liver function, biliary function, or gallstones. If you are taking medication, you should seek medical advice."

He concludes by saying that "The situation will continue to be closely monitored in relation to the emergence of any new scientific elements or data to be considered in order to protect consumer safety."

As a result, U.G.A. Nutraceuticals has aligned with the Ministry's decision by adding on the label the wording indicated for supplements containing turmeric as Omegor Antiage.

In conclusion, in general, supplements containing turmeric are therefore considered safe, but unexpected side effects may occur in some people. The same applies to all products that the average consumer considers "natural" and therefore harmless. Before taking any supplement, you should always seek advice from your pharmacist or doctor to rule out any interaction with medications you are currently taking or any negative correlations between the supplement and any current medical conditions.


Beatrice Iozzino, pharmacist