Can I take Omega-3 capsules if I am allergic to fish?

My daughter is 17 years old,she is allergic to fish: can she ingest Omega-3 capsules during a hair care or other curative treatment? Is it possible to replace them with other supplements that give the same benefits? Thank you.
Dear Anthony,
triggering the hypersensitivity reactions are the fish proteins.
Supplement oil is derived from purification by molecular distillation of oils from anchovies (about 99%) and sardines (for the remaining 1%) .
This process eliminates any presence of protein in the final product: therefore, oil concentrated in Omega-3 should not trigger hypersensitivity reactions, even in people allergic to some types of fish. Thealgal oil used in Omegor Kids might be a good alternative.Omegor Kids is a liquid supplement containing 200 mg of Omega-3 DHA.
Available in single-dose sachets, a formulation with honey, vitamin C and vitamin D3.
I hope I have been helpful and thank you for contacting us.
Best regards
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist