Attention deficit, which product for a 10-year-old child?

Hello I would be interested in your product however I would like to know the most suitable one and posology. I have a 10 year old boy who was found to have dyscalculia dysgraphia and attention deficit (he is not hyperactive in fact he is very calm). After a while doing homework he gets tired easily. he weighs 42kg. Thank you very much
Dear Tatiana,
if your pediatrician also agrees, the best product for your child is VitaDHA in single-dose vials, a supplement rich in the highest quality fish oil. In fact, there are about 2,000 total milligrams of omega-3 in each vial, of which:
- 1450 mg DHA
- 330 mg EPA
As you will also be able to read in our blog, several studies have reported how omega-3s are able to improve symptoms related to memory and attention span deficits such as a deficiency of DHA in the diet may be related to decreased attention and learning abilities.
In fact, DHA plays a key role in the development of the brain, visual system, and the maintenance of their function, being the main component of the cell membranes of neurons to which it gives the fluidity needed to grow, connect with other cells, and transmit nerve signals. VitaDHA liquid has a pleasant taste and can be consumed directly or added to beverages, yogurt, smoothies, juices, and juices.
I recommend 1 vial every other day for a week or two and then 1 vial a day. I remind you not to consider dietary supplements as therapy, but only as nutritional support.
Best regards
Silvia Lisciani Ph.D. Nutrition biologist