Control cholesterol with Omegor Vitality: is the dosage of 3 pearls per day accurate?

I take 3 capsules a day of Omegor Vitality 1000 for cholesterol control, with excellent results. I typically take the tablets cyclically for about a couple of months and discontinue for about 20 days. Is the dosage exact, or do I need to make adjustments? I should mention that I also combine the tablets with a blood pressure control supplement based on olive budmoderivatives. Thank you
it is adietary supplement with essential nutrients to our diet: therefore it can be taken for long periods of time (even years) without problems of addiction, contraindications or side effects from prolonged intake. Multiple molecular distillation ensures the high purity of thefish oil contained in Omegor Vitality pearls as well as the elimination of pollutants normally found in the seas.
The dosage she routinely uses is what we recommend, so she can continue in the ways she has always followed. My recommendation to her is to make each supplementation cycle last at least 2 months.
I remain available for further information.
Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist