Ask the Pharmacist

Cardiol, better to take before or after dinner?

I am a consumer of Cardiol opercula, and I have noticed that there is a contradiction in the directions between what is stated in the leaflet and what is stated on the outer box. In fact, while in the leaflet it is suggested to take the operculum with meals, on the box it is recommended to take it just before dinner. Therefore, I ask for your enlightenment as to the correct to intake. I thank you and look forward to your clarification.

Dear Henry, 

The correct mode of administration is to take one capsule of Cardiol per day preferably in the evening just before dinner, so as to increase assimilation with the meal and the effectiveness of the product.

Thank you for your report, we have corrected the typo reported on the case and the leaflet. 


Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist