Ask the Pharmacist

Is Cardiol a natural product?

Dear Pierangelo,

Cardiol is a natural product or rather the precise definition is "nutraceutical," that is, it is a mixture of specific components of foods with functional properties on our bodies. Every single component found in Cardiol can also be found in foods (omega-3s in fish, fermented red rice is typical of Chinese natural medicine, resveratrol in red wine, vitamins in fruits and vegetables, folic acid in leafy greens...) but the difference is that to arrive at effective dosages of these components one would have to consume very large quantities of foods while through the extraction of active components from food matrices it is possible to obtain concentrated natural extracts, which are precisely the nutraceuticals.

If you read the ingredient list on the package, you will also see the names of the plants and plant parts from which the extracts were obtained.

I hope I have answered your question.


Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist