Ask the Pharmacist

Is it possible to combine Omegor Vitality with Omegor Antiage?

Hi, I would like to know if it is possible to combine Omegor Vitality 700 (2 pearls) with Omegor Antiage (1 pearl)? Thank you

Dear Maria Teresa, 

Omegor Antiage is a product rich in active ingredients, with adjuvant effects for:

  • skin trophism
  • microcirculation
  • dermatitis
  • psoriasis
  • cellulite

The main nutrients are Omega-3 EPA and DHA andgamma-linolenic acid (GLA) from borage oil. They function to regulate and balance the production of eicosanoids (ubiquitous ephemeral hormones that regulate the activity of all cells in the body) to promote skin elasticity, hydration and tone. These active ingredients, combined with antioxidants, help to:

  • Maintain the natural youthfulness of the skin through promoting cell metabolism (Co-Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid);
  • Reduce oxidative stress (resveratrol, curcumin, sesamin).

I can therefore confirm that it is desirable to combine Omegor Vitality with Omegor Antiage: in this way you will increase your intake of EPA and DHA. The dosage you indicated is correct: 1 pearl per day of Omegor Antiage and up to 2-4 pearls per day of Omegor Vitality 700 milligrams, taken just before a main meal (lunch, breakfast, and dinner), in one (both supplements) or several solutions throughout the day. 

I remain at your disposal for any further questions you may have on this matter. 


Dr. Rosaria Ramondino Pharmacist and Pharmaceutical Chemist